Empowering Customer Education: How Juphy AI Informed Potential Customers at JungKwanJang

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Ceyda Duz
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  • Industry: Supplements
  • Country: Worldwide
  • Challenges Summary:
    • Managing a global customer base with diverse inquiries and needs related to ginseng supplements.
    • Maintaining instant, personalized, and expert-level customer support about the properties and health benefits of ginseng supplements, especially outside office hours.
    • Handling specialized inquiries about unique ginseng product ingredients, usage instructions, and health concerns.
    • Instantly addressing customer inquiries while educating and informing them about their ginseng supplements, thereby enhancing overall customer satisfaction and boosting conversion rates.

About JungKwanJang

JungKwanJang, a top ginseng brand, expertly blends the power of nature with cutting-edge science to enhance customer health and well-being. By viewing nature as an essential partner in wellness, JungKwanJang provides herbal supplements that are pure, high-quality, and a testament to the heritage of nature. With over 120 years of experience, JungKwanJang sticks to the philosophy of “Your health, our science, one future”, ensuring that customers are at the heart of every decision. The brand seamlessly integrates elements of nature, tradition, and innovation to improve lives daily through top-quality, traditionally harvested, and meticulously selected Korean Red Ginseng products. JungKwanJang delivers their esteemed products to over 40 countries worldwide, including Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and the United States.

The Challenge

JungKwanJang, with its expansive global reach, strives to provide excellent assistance for various health challenges, reinforcing its commitment to customer well-being. However, with increasing customer inquiries about the usage and health benefits of ginseng products, maintaining an instant and highly personalized, customer-centric approach became more challenging. Typical customer questions included:

  • “I lost weight after a few surgeries, about 15 lbs. I have flabs and wrinkles on my arms, and I am 75 years old. I’m looking for high-quality collagen.”
  • “Hi, I’m looking to order a small quantity of Red Ginseng root.”
  • “Can kids take the immune support liquid stick with Korean Red Ginseng and elderberry from JungKwanJang?”
  • “What is the difference between the Hong Sam Won drink pouch and the Pill King?”
  • “How many times a day should I take Ginseng?”
  • “Can people with high blood pressure use the Women’s Balance Korean Red Ginseng capsules from JungKwanJang?” (These data aren’t real customer inquiries due to privacy reasons)

As an industry leader dedicated to improving customer health, JungKwanJang frequently handles detailed inquiries about product ingredients and usage instructions, which are crucial for potential customers evaluating their health products. Despite consistent visitor traffic, JungKwanJang faces the challenge that many hesitate to purchase health products like Korean Ginseng without comprehensive product knowledge. Educating customers about product benefits and usage is essential, but providing 24/7 support posed challenges. To maintain their commitment to customer health, JungKwanJang integrated Juphy’s AI Shopping Assistant into their Shopify store, ensuring continuous, informed customer support.

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The Solution

To optimize customer engagement and improve conversion rates, JungKwanJang integrated Juphy’s ChatGPT-powered Shopping Assistant into their website. This implementation added a dedicated, knowledgeable member to their support team, ensuring customers receive accurate information to make easier purchase decisions. Operating 24/7, Juphy AI plays a crucial role in guiding customers through their purchasing decisions, particularly during off-hours, by providing immediate and informed responses to inquiries. This proactive approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also educates them effectively, fostering trust and increasing conversion rates.

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The Results

Since integrating Juphy AI on the JungKwanJang website, the results have been significant:

  • Juphy AI engaged in hundreds of conversations, effectively assisting customers.
  • It recommended tens of products, showcasing its strong capability to meet customer needs with tailored solutions.
  • By integrating Juphy’s AI Shopping Assistant, JungKwanJang’s customer support team saved hours of work.
  • Notably, 67% of product recommendations occurred at night, and 33% during daytime, ensuring continuous support.

Integrating Juphy AI into JungKwanJang’s customer support framework has resulted in significant operational improvements and enhanced customer satisfaction. This proactive approach has not only streamlined customer service operations but also effectively educates customers, empowering them with detailed product information and usage guidance. Once more, JungKwanJang has showcased its dedication to integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional expertise to effectively meet diverse customer needs. This commitment reinforces its standing as a leader in delivering customer-centric health and wellness solutions.

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