100 Popular Social Media Acronyms
Social media conversations might be filled with complex acronyms that seem like a new language. Knowing these acronyms helps you improve customer communication and provide better service. Therefore, you can take your customer satisfaction to the next level by learning the acronyms well. So, what are the most popular acronyms on social media?

Special Social Media Acronyms
You may be familiar with the following abbreviations below, as they are alternative names for the popular apps. However, learning all of them will improve your in-team and customer conversations. There are also acronyms for these platforms’ features. We can list the app and feature acronyms as follows:
FB: Facebook
TW: Twitter
YT: Youtube
IG: Instagram
LI: Linkedln
SC: Snapchat
G+: Google

DM: Direct messages are a particular communication feature that provides messaging service only accessible by the sender and receiver.
PM: It is an abbreviation indicating that the person requests private messages. When a customer uses the PM acronym, it refers to the request to switch from a public chat platform to a platform where you can message privately.
MT: Modified tweet refers to the altered tweet model. A modified tweet indicates that a retweeted tweet is edited because of its length or for another reason.
PRT: PRT refers to partial retweets. A partial retweet is a form of a tweet in which a user adds her own comment by quoting only part of another account’s tweets.
RT: Retweet refers to the reshare of a tweet in the original form.
NB: NB, which means not bad, is an acronym for predicting something that customers have not used or seen before.
Business-Related Social Media Acronyms

Business acronyms are usually used in work medium and communication. Knowing these acronyms helps you facilitate in-team communication. Here are the business acronyms:
B2B: B2B, short for business to business, refers to the communication model between companies. It can also be explained as business processes between firms.
B2C: B2C is an acronym for business to customer, referring to the exchange between business and consumer. This process is expressed as the process of selling products or services to consumers for a certain fee.
CMGR: Community managers (CMGRs) are responsible for improving businesses’ communications on social media.
CTA: CTA refers to a call to action. This type of message can be written, verbal, or visual. These messages can consist of motivational expressions such as “Subscribe now,” “Download,” and “Contact us.”
ETA: Estimated arrival time is used to express a prediction of the delivery time.
EOD: The end of the day refers to corporate business deadlines.
IAM: You can use “I am in a meeting” in a conversation to express that you are busy.
KPI: Key performance indicator is an acronym used to express the metrics used to measure social media marketing strategies in businesses.
OOO: OOO, short for out of office, is an acronym you can frequently encounter in email conversations.
SEM: Search engine marketing (SEM) is a paid digital marketing strategy that improves website traffic.
SMART: SMART is short for “Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based” and reminds the goals to be followed.
SMB: Small and medium-sized business (SMB) refers to businesses with less than 250 employees.
SMM: SMM is short for social media marketing and is used for brand awareness and increasing sales.
SoLoMo: SoLoMo refers to social, local, and mobile. It specifies the social media marketing strategy for potential customers in the immediate environment with the help of geolocation-based technologies.
SRP: Social relationship platform is a central platform with technology models for reporting or analyzing customer interactions in the business-consumer relationship.
ToS: ToS, short for terms of services, describes that users must use social platforms within the framework of legal rules.
ROI: Return on investment (ROI) measures how much profit a business generates from campaigns or initiatives.
MoM: Month over month (MoM) is used for expressing the growth rate of metrics such as revenue, active user numbers, and the number of views.
UGC: User-generated content is created by sharing the users’ posts, images, and videos about the brand.
Technical Acronyms on Social Media

Technical acronyms are not frequently used everywhere. These are usually encountered in technology companies or employees in social media fields. These acronyms are:
API: Application programming interface is terms and protocols that create application software and integrate it into tools, simplifying design and management.
CMS: CMS is short for content management systems. WordPress, Experro, and Drupal are among the most popular CMS.
CX: CX, short for customer experience, refers to the customer journey regarding the interactions between business and customers.
CPC: Cost-per-click refers to the cost for each click charged to the advertiser.
CR: CR is short for conversion rate. It identifies the rates of transactions such as targeted visitor numbers, views, downloads, and purchases.
CTR: CTR refers to the clickthrough rate, which shows how much and how frequently the users click on your ads.
CRO: CRO, described as conversion rate optimization, refers to updating the landing page on your web page for improvement.
ESP: Email service provider (ESP) is a third-party company undertaking marketing campaigns and newsletter distribution software.
FTP: File transfer protocol (FTP) is a set of rules that provides file transfer of businesses over systems and improves business processes.
GA: GA, short for Google Analytics, analyzes the website visitors, viewerships, and redirections.
VPN: VPN is an acronym for virtual private networks. VPN helps users appear anonymously with an encrypted connection.
UX: UX refers to user experience.
URL: It is described as the uniform resource locator and refers to the address of a page or website.
UI: UI, short for user interface, is a whole of visual elements such as pages and screen icons of the brand app in purchasing products or services.
SEO: SEO refers to search engine optimization.
SaaS: Software-as-a-service (SaaS) refers to access to cloud-based applications.
RSS: Simple Realtime syndication, known as rich site syndication, provides easy use for users by combining many website contents.
PV: Page view (PV) refers to the number of views of the websites.
OS: Operating system controls the computer, tablet, and smartphone software.
IM: IM, short for instant messaging, enables instant messaging directly to someone else’s computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Gen-Z Social Media Acronyms

These acronyms are usually used on social media platforms, especially by Gen Z. You need to master them to understand Gen Z’s language.
AFAIK: AFAIK stands for “as far as I know” You can use this acronym when you express the things you know it’s true.
AMA: AMA is short for “ask me anything.”
BTS: You might think that BTS refers to a famous band. However, it means “behind the scenes.”
BTW: BTW, short for “by the way” is used when you need to add an extra explanation.
CMV: CMV stands for “change my view,” which implies that your opinion is changeable in discussions.
DYK: You can use DYK, short for “Did You Know?” on social media platforms to grab the users’ attention.
ELI5: ELI5 is a popular acronym, especially on Reddit. It means explain like I’m five and refers to the need to receive an explanation of something in a simple way.
FBF: FBF, short for flashback Friday, is used to share situations and photographs from the past.
FTW: For the win (FTW) is used when expressing approval or support.
FYI: FYI stands for “for your information” and is used when informing someone about something.
ICYMI: “In case you missed it” is used for reaffirming content.
IRL: IRL, short for in real life, is used for expressing that an event is real.
WFH: WFH means work from home between colleagues.
TFTH: This acronym is usually used on Twitter. It means thanks for following.
YOLO: YOLO means you only live once.
WBU: “What about you?” is used to get others’ opinions or experiences.
TMI: Too much information refers to criticizing a document for implying its length. It can mean “It’s too long, unreadable.”
TGIF: “Thank God It’s Friday” is an entrance sentence for the weekend.
TFW: TFW is short for “That feeling when…” and is used to express your feelings when you talk about an experience.
TBT: “Throwback Thursday” is among the most popular social media acronyms. This abbreviation indicates that the shared posts and photos are from the past.
TBBH: “To be brutally honest” indicates how honest you are.
TBH: TBH, short for to be honest, is used when you want to comment on something.
SFW: You can use the “Safe for work” acronym in various fields.

LMAO: LMAO is used to express that you laugh a lot.
PPL: PPL refers to people, groups, and communities.
OP: Original poster refers to the person who has the original post.
OH: Overheard (OH) precedes a direct quote or statement from eavesdropping.
NVM: NVM is short for never mind.
NSFW: NSFW is short for not safe for work.
MTFBWY: “May the force be with you” is a famous acronym because of the Star Wars series.
LOL: “Laugh Out Loud” is used in texts to express your laughter.
LMS: LMS asks those social media users to give the post a like.
LMK: LMK means “Let me know.”
JK: JK is short for “Just kidding.”
IMO: IMO is short for “In my opinion.”
ILY: ILY is short for I love you.
IKR: IKR is an acronym for the “I know, right?” question.
IDK: IDK refers to “I don’t know.”
IDC: “I don’t care” is used for expressing that you don’t care.
HTH: HTH refers to “here for help.”
HT orH/T: Hat tip refers to acknowledgment, thanking, or appreciating others about something.
HIFW: HIFW means “How I feel when …” and is used to express your feelings for a particular situation.
HBD: HBD is short for “Happy Birthday.”
GG: GG is short for “good game.”
FTFY: FTFY means fixed that for you.
FOMO: FOMO, the fear of missing out, encourages purchasing in the marketing field.
FF: “Follow Friday” allows you to share the names of other users you think they should follow.
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Digital customer experience is crucial if you aim to succeed in today’s digital economy. Read more to learn how to provide a great DCX.