24/7 AI Sales Assistant for Shopify Stores
Start 14-Day Free TrialCart abandonment rates rise by 5x without a tailored shopping experience
53% of online shoppers leave if they can't find what they want ASAP
Not fixing these problems leads to 50% loss of sales and unhappy customers
Increase revenue and conversions by up to 10x with tailored experiences for all website visitors
Juphy’s AI shopping assistant recommends products, answers questions, and delivers a tailored shopping experience on your website.
Plus, it works with
Instagram DM’s too!
Juphy removes your customer support workload by automatically answering FAQs, tracking orders and guiding customers without needing a human touch.
Collaborate with your team on incoming messages to increase productivity
Categorize messages based on product, category and urgency
Analyze your shopping assistants performance with actionable reports
Manage all social media and Shopify conversations in a unified dashboard
Categorize customer inquiries based on product, category and urgency
Analyze your shopping assistants performance with actionable reports
Collaborate with your team on incoming messages to increase productivity
Manage all customer reviews in a single dashboard
Save contacts on social media and Shopify to re-target them in future campaigns
Collaborate with your team on incoming messages to increase productivity
Categorize messages based on product, category and urgency
Analyze your shopping assistants performance with actionable reports
Elevate your Shopify store's sales with Juphy AI's ChatGPT-powered shopping assistant.What are the benefits of chatbots in personal shopping?
All the tips and tricks to master Shopify are here.
How House of Silk Enhanced Customer Support with Juphy AI
We used to receive 20 messages per day about order tracking, delivery and refunds. Now Juphy handles them all automatically! What a time saver! Our team really enjoys using Juphy.
Juphy helped our customers get personalized recommendations on our website without any waiting time at all! This significantly increased our engagement and sales. Highly recommend Juphy to anyone in e-commerce.
Before Juphy we had to respond to hundreds of product questions on social media and on our website. Now with Juphy, they get the answer they need in seconds. And it's amazing that Juphy works with Instagram DM's too!
Get started in less than 5 minutes. 1 click setup with Shopify.
No technical skills required.