Explore how Juphy's AI chatbot solutions help businesses increase sales and enhance customer interactions. Learn from real-life success stories showcasing measurable growth and exceptional user experiences powered by Juphy.
ProSmoke BBQ raised conversions and customer satisfaction with AI support and smart suggestions
Christiania Glasmagasin increased support efficiency and engagement with AI-powered automation and email notifications
Amparo Repostería boosted customer engagement and sales with AI-powered support and recommendations
Heart Healthy Homes improved trust and conversions with AI assistance and health insights
Max Carbon enhanced efficiency and customer confidence with AI-powered support and recommendations
Daily Beauty boosted skincare shopping with personalized recommendations and automated support using Juphy AI
Hamm Design automated 95% of support tasks and boosted sales with Juphy AI’s personalized recommendations
AMVIM streamlined customer interactions and created personalized shopping journeys using Juphy AI
XLR8 Fitness optimized their workflow and efficiently managed customer inquiries with Juphy AI
R80 Rugby enhanced customer engagement and product search using Juphy AI
Camille Boutique Paris Recommended 328 Products and Saved 41+ Hours with Juphy AI
UK Water Filters Sold 70+ Products and Generated $9K Revenue with Juphy’s AI Sales Assistant
House of Silk Generated 739 Recommendations, Bringing in Over 77K TRY Revenue with Juphy AI
Al Kowthar Transformed Fragrance Shopping with 642 Product Recommendations with Juphy AI
JungKwanJang Boosted Customer Education and Generated 488 Recommendations with Juphy AI